After over a month of 12-hour workdays, 7-days a week, I attended a local church service to rest and hear the pipe organ.
I had gone once before to this particular congregation in 2011, after the five-month ordeal of helping save my older sister's life when she was very ill.
This county of Florida contains the oldest population in the State. I think the average age is 87.
Many of the people I met at church were in their 80's and 90's!
I began attending their Wednesday evening Bible Study, and after learning I am a visual artist, the Pastor asked me to speak about my process and inspiration behind why I create Art and Beauty.
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A Full Garner, 20x27 framed half-sheet watercolor by Elise, available, proceeds go to Andrew |
I had become friends with two beautiful Jamaican ladies, sisters, whose kind, giving lives and close family bonds reflected my own relationship with my family and siblings. We had much in common!
Their 19-year-old nephew, Andrew Walters, came from Jamaica to visit America for the first time, and I met him the night I spoke at Bible Study, about Art and Beauty, in late August.
Over time, as I attended church and then taught one of Andrew's aunts how to play the piano, I also got to know Andrew.
His father is a pastor in Jamaica, and he grew up listening to his father and mother teach others about God's Word.
He said he felt God's calling to become a Pastor, like his father. He recognized this serious calling would mean sacrifice and suffering.
Andrew is quiet, intelligent and deep. He listens intently and comments succinctly.
He gets along with people of many age groups, old, middle-aged and young.
Andrew is also very sober-minded. He has many leadership qualities.
Andrew is also very sober-minded. He has many leadership qualities.
By age nineteen, Andrew had already completed three years of Maritime Academy, in Jamaica.
He had two years remaining to finish his training as a maritime vessel navigator, working in leadership in a control-room of a large ocean-going ship.
However, his annual school tuition had jumped from $300,000 Jamaican dollars to $1,000,000 in just one year! A 70% increase.
Pastors are not generally well-paid, especially in poverty-stricken countries like Jamaica, so Andrew said he was uncertain his family could afford to help him finish the final two years of his five-year maritime education.
He was praying for God's re-direction in his life.
Andrew was in America to look into options for Maritime and Sailing Universities here, and also Moody Bible Institute in Chicago - a place where tuition is free, but there are still costs for housing and food.
Jamaica has few jobs and the internet connections are not great.
Andrew returned to Jamaica around the same time I returned north to Vermont.
A few months ago, Andrew told me through email that he had gotten a very clear call from the Lord to take action, and pursue a calling for ministry.
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June in Vermont, 20x27 framed half-sheet watercolor by Elise, available - proceeds go to Andrew |
Andrew is now nearly 21.
His parents dedicated his life to God before he was concieved or born.
Now Andrew has also heard God calling him into His service.
He has not been able to return to Maritime School.
He has begun going out with his dad, to visit folks in their homes, and pray with them.
He told me he saw God working through his prayers and concern, making a positive difference in others lives!
He wrote that he has many ideas and vision for ministry, but feels extremely held back due to a lack of finances, and an ability to find work there in Jamaica, which is also now in lockdown due to the Covid-19 virus situation.
I believe Andrew will become an excellent God-fearing Pastor and spiritual mentor, serving the Living God, Y'Shua our Redeemer, with the Holy Spirit's help!
Andrew has the spiritual and emotional support and blessing of each of his parents, as well as the Holy Spirit's presence. He is well aware of the pressures and scorn this calling brings from a post-Christian culture. He does not enter spiritual ministry lightly.
We certainly need more men of good character serving in the Body of Christ today.
I desire to help support my friend Andrew's calling financially. Had I or his extended family the funds to give, I would not be writing this appeal for your corporate help!
A University Education in America has become terribly inflated in cost. Many go into great debt to gain a degree.
I did not attend Art School because I didn't want to be forced to paint abstracts or go into debt as an artist. Yet I have been greatly instructed and supported by several wonderful artist mentors.
While I am not a huge proponent of higher education for a great number of reasons, in certain trades and callings, SOME mentorship and course of study is certainly beneficial.
Sadly, seminary in America has also become known as "cemetary" teachings stray from solid scriptural truth.
However, Andrew has applied and been accepted as a student at the school where his own dad went to seminary, in Kingston, Jamaica.
He is trusting God by faith for the $2,200 USD tuition needed for each semester of this seminary education, which covers his housing and training, not food.
He has also recently applied for some scholarships, one of which would cover one semester.
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Andrew, center, with his aunts, an uncle, and family friend |
However, Andrew has applied and been accepted as a student at the school where his own dad went to seminary, in Kingston, Jamaica.
He is trusting God by faith for the $2,200 USD tuition needed for each semester of this seminary education, which covers his housing and training, not food.
He has also recently applied for some scholarships, one of which would cover one semester.
The entire seminary course will be a period of four years, or eight semesters, totaling $17,600 USD for his entire four-year course of study!
I feel motivated to request financial help from the Body of Christ in support of this man, Andrew, to attend Jamaica Theological Seminary (JTS) in Kingston, Jamaica.
I am offering to give Andrew the funds from the sale of the two paintings in this blog post. I am also considering auctioning them off.
I feel motivated to request financial help from the Body of Christ in support of this man, Andrew, to attend Jamaica Theological Seminary (JTS) in Kingston, Jamaica.
I am offering to give Andrew the funds from the sale of the two paintings in this blog post. I am also considering auctioning them off.
Please let me know if you would like to purchase one or both paintings in support of this man's education. Each painting is $2,000, matted and framed.
100% of the funds gained from their sale, after shipping expenses, will go toward Andrew's education.
Paintings aside, if one hundred people gave just $20, our brother in Christ, Andrew Walters, would have the funds needed to attend one semester!
Andrew has been praying and fasting recently, trusting Way will open a door.
Today, one of our US dollars is worth $145.63 Jamaican the comparitive strength of our dollar is great.
Paintings aside, if one hundred people gave just $20, our brother in Christ, Andrew Walters, would have the funds needed to attend one semester!
Andrew has been praying and fasting recently, trusting Way will open a door.
Today, one of our US dollars is worth $145.63 Jamaican the comparitive strength of our dollar is great.
You may give securely through my good friend's Paypal: and 100% of all funds given will be transferred to Andrew.
Thank you so much for your generosity in prayerfully considering how you can give!
Every good gift to us comes from God. We are all undeserving of these free gifts and His mercy, which is new every morning.
Thank you so much for your generosity in prayerfully considering how you can give!
Every good gift to us comes from God. We are all undeserving of these free gifts and His mercy, which is new every morning.
In support of the Word of God, Y'Shua the Messiah, and His disciplined ones,
I am your friend,
But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. - Philippians 3:7-15
Held by the Grip of God
Never choose to be a worker for God, but once God has placed His call on you, woe be to you if you “turn aside to the right hand or to the left” (Deuteronomy 5:32). We are not here to work for God because we have chosen to do so, but because God has “laid hold of” us. And once He has done so, we never have this thought, “Well, I’m really not suited for this.” What you are to preach is also determined by God, not by your own natural leanings or desires. Keep your soul steadfastly related to God, and remember that you are called not simply to convey your testimony but also to preach the gospel. Every Christian must testify to the truth of God, but when it comes to the call to preach, there must be the agonizing grip of God’s hand on you— your life is in the grip of God for that very purpose. How many of us are held like that?
Never water down the Word of God, but preach it in its undiluted sternness. There must be unflinching faithfulness to the Word of God, but when you come to personal dealings with others, remember who you are— you are not some special being created in heaven, but a sinner saved by grace.
“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do…I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14).
June 28th reading, My Utmost for His Highest